Latest events
15/01/2025 Two exhibitions of paper cuttings by Klaidas Navickas in Joniškis
From the 15th of January you can visit two exhibitions of paper cuttings by the master of paper cuttings Klaidas Navickas at the Joniškis Cultural Centre (Žemaičių g Street 14, Joniškis).
2024/12/06 Tautinio paveldo konferencija Krakėse
Šių metų gruodžio 6 dieną Krakių kultūros centre (Kėdainių r.) surengta Tautinio paveldo konferencija, kurioje rinkosi tradicinių amatų meistrai. Taip pat buvo apdovanoti šiais metais sėkmingiausiai dirbę tradiciniai amatininkai ir tradicinių amatų centrai. Padėką už […]
15/11/2024 Exhibition of Lino and Wood Carvings at the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
From the 11th to the 25th of November, the exhibition of lino and wood carvings and drawings "The Unforgotten Tradition" is being held at the Stained Glass Gallery (I Palace of the Seimas, Gedimino Ave. 53, Vilnius)
2024/10/31 The Migrating Museum project presents K. Navickas' wood carvings
On 26 October, the visitors of the Pamario Gallery (L.Rėzos g. 3, Juodkrantė) had the opportunity to see the graphic works of Klaidas Navickas..
11/10/2024 Paper cuttings by Klaidas Navickas at the Trakai Region Folk Art Exhibition
On 9 October, the traditional folk art exhibition "Ide daila" of Trakai region opened its doors. The exhibition also features the works of paper-cutting master Klaidas Navickas.
2024/09/09 Exhibition of paper cuttings by Klaidas Navickas at the Supreme Court
Until the end of the year, we invite you to see the exhibition of works by paper-cutting master Klaidas Navickas at the Supreme Court of Lithuania (Gynėjų str. 6, Vilnius). Visitors are admitted with the consent of security.
2024/09/01 Exhibition of paper cuttings by Klaidas Navickas in Šiauliai
Until the 30th of September we invite you to visit the exhibition of Jewish traditional paper cuttings by Klaidas Navickas, which is taking place at the Chaim Frenkel Villa-Museum
2024/08/14 Klaidas Navickas will present the craft of paper cutting in Trakai
On the 15th-18th August, the Žolinės festival will take place in Trakai. On the first day of the festival, the 15th August, the Kopūstinė fair will be buzzing with traditional craft educations. You are invited to try out various crafts, including paper-cutting, in the courtyard of the Trakai Crafts Centre
01/07/2024 Klaidas Navickas participates in a folk art exhibition for the Lithuanian Song Festival
Liepos 1 d., 16 val. Lietuvos taikomosios dailės ir dizaino muziejuje (Arsenalo g. 3a, Vilnius) atidaryta liaudies meno paroda ,,Iš šerdies“ skirta šimtmetį mininčiai Lietuvos dainų šventei. Parodoje eksponuojami Klaido Navicko sukurti popieriaus karpiniai ir […]
29/06/2024 Meet us at the Baltica Festival and the Lithuanian Song Festival
Nuo birželio 28 d. iki liepos 2 d. turime progą susitikti net dviejuose ypatingose renginiuose – tarptautiniame folkloro festivalyje „Baltica“ ir 100-mečio Lietuvos dainų šventėje. Minėtomis datomis Klaidas Navickas dalyvaus tradicinių amatų mugėje Bernardinų sode. […]